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Using files

Accessing files locally

When running a function with Lug locally, the Python function's file access doesn't change. If you aren't using Docker Sidecar, you can skip this section!

If you are running a Docker Sidecar function locally, the access to your system's file system is a bit different. The files in your system can be accessed inside the Docker container through the /lug directory. You can change the root directory that's attached to the container with the mount parameter.

Here's an example that accesses the root directory of the host file system from inside the Docker container:

import lug

@lug.docker_sidecar(image="alpine:3.16.2", mount="/")
def list_root():
    result = lug.sidecar_shell("ls /lug/")
    return result.stdout


In this example, the function list_root uses the lug.sidecar_shell function to execute the ls command inside the Docker container and returns the output. The mount parameter is set to /, so the root directory of the host's file system is mounted at /lug inside the Docker container.

Lug's mount is a Docker mount point

Lug's mount is a Docker mount point. This means that Docker must have permission to access the mount point. Some environments, like Docker Desktop on macOS, require explicitly adding permissions for non-user files – even if you're running as root.

Accessing files with absolute paths

When using absolute paths in Lug, there are two things to keep in mind:

  1. Add a /lug prefix to the absolute path inside the Docker container
  2. The mount point set in the Docker sidecar should contain the path being referenced

Here's an example that accesses a file created on the host system from within the Docker container using an absolute path:

import lug
import os

def create_file(absolute_path):
    with open(absolute_path, 'w') as f:
        f.write('Hello, world!')

@lug.docker_sidecar(sidecar_image="alpine:3.16.2", mount="/")
def cat_file(absolute_path):
    result = lug.sidecar_shell(f"cat /lug{absolute_path}")
    return result.stdout

absolute_path = os.path.abspath("test.txt")

It will print Hello, world! if everything is set up correctly.

Accessing files in cloud runs

To access files in remote runs, you need to set up input and output file handling.

Input files

You can pass input files to a Lug function by using the remote_inputs argument. The input files are accessible at ./input/ on the remote instance.

Output files

To access output files, you need to specify a directory for the output files using the remote_output_directory argument. The output files need to be written to ./output on the remote instance.

Both remote_intputs and remote_output_directory can be local paths or S3 URIs.

Example usage

Here's an example that shows how to use remote files with a Lug Docker Sidecar:

import lug
import os

def hello_world():
    result = lug.sidecar_shell("cat ./input/one.txt > ./output/two.txt")
    return result.stdout

os.makedirs("./my_input", exist_ok=True)
file_path = "./my_input/one.txt"
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
    f.write('Hello, world!')


The ./my_output/ now has a file named two.txt with the contents "Hello, world!"